Tuesday, August 11, 2009

[Fanfiction] [feat. DBSK] Playing A Masquerade Sucks - Chap.2

Chapter 2 - Oddness

Hmm, I dont have an idea where this is leading me to, but i will try my best to continue this as soon as possible. Please forgive me for the lateness of updating this. :3


There were gasps. “Oooh!” 

And then shoes screeching on the floor. 

Followed by relieved sighs. “Oooh~” 

KimBum, lying flat on the floor with two hands holding the plates he had managed to catch just in time breathed out a sigh of relief. His quick reflexes amazed JaeJoong the mean time as the boy’s mouth dropped open in amusement. 

“Thanks,” JaeJoong nodded with gratitude towards him. The other replied with a knowing smile, “It’s fine. Just – hyung, remember to put on your glasses next time.” And he walked into the kitchen, where Amane stood by the door looking as if he had just been attacked by stroke. 

JaeJoong’s hands immediately reached for his face, panic surging through him. Jumping up and trying hard enough to blanket his face with his hair, he staggered back to his bag, reaching for his glasses and pushing them back in place. 

He knew he couldn’t live as a human without these glasses, his face, his face… 

“Yah! Stop dreaming and get to work you asshole!” Amane’s voice came booming from the kitchen. 

“Hey! I’m no asshole!” Came KimBum’s voice. 

“I’m not talking about you! Get a life, Bummie!”

JaeJoong grinned to himself as he watched the two squabbled over little things again, when will they ever grow up? He looked up, the vision where his glasses frame were not to reach, and saw a blur of nothing. Sighing, he quickly got back to work. 

As long as his glasses were with him, it wouldn’t be a problem…

Braiding SooYoung’s hair, EonJin cursed everything that had no clue or connections with the day. The poor window, the poor fan, the poor glass of water, the poor toilet bowl, the poor bras, the poor undies, the poor SooYoung. Gee. Shielding herself with her mask, and letting down her fringe, SooYoung sighed for the hundredth time in the day. 

“Unnie, if you would stop cursing. I don’t want to die earlier due to your practicing of voodoo.” 

Startled, EonJin jumped back in her full defense form, “How do you know?” 

Raising her eyebrow, SooYoung mocked as the other turned red, “I saw you putting needles in your Goofy softie?” “You mean soft toy Goofy-effer from my ex,” EonJin corrected her instantly. SooYoung gave her a shrug and began biting into her breakfast – toast with jam. 

EonJin began her little murmurs she called ‘curse sequences’ in the corner of the room while SooYoung continued to give her cold shoulder treatment. When she predicted EonJin to be half way in her curses, she was done with her breakfast and she was ready for school. 

Pushing her glasses in place, SooYoung bade farewell to the murmuring EonJin who answered, “Mmm.” Closing the door behind her, she did not made a step forward to the lift which had been waiting. Instead she leaned on the wall and let herself be buried and drowned with the sea of thoughts, until she let herself out from the deepest of her heart. 

“I hate lying.” 


The image of the girl’s face lingering in his thoughts made JaeJoong braved himself to be seated next to the guard, SooJin by the gate of the school in the early morning just to wait for the girl to appear. He checked out every girl that had passed and each was given a big, big cross.

Super-red lipsticked hot chick = X + … Did she had a hot night with her boyfriend?
Super-big-boobs-showing sexy chick = X + Might have a chance to be her, but no. 
Pink socks nerdy chick = X + My God, get a life.
Skinny chick with no boobs at all = X + Say, diet. 
Super ugly(cough) fat chick = X ---- UGH!
Long lashes chick = X + Give me an impression of an ostrich. Say, she’s tall, and looks dumb. D:

“Jae, are you sure the girl you saw in the school compound is from our school?” SooJin chuckled, wondering if JaeJoong was having hallucination. “It’s really a girl from our school!” He protested immediately, puffing out his cheeks. “Well, if you persuade, I might as well remind you it’s about time for school. The bell’s ringing in 5 minutes,” SooJin tapped the surface of his watch with his fingers as JaeJoong’s face dropped, “Man, talk about school.” He pulled a face and reached for his bag. 

He nodded politely as a farewell before stepping out of the guard house. “I’ll keep an eye for you!” SooJin offered as JaeJoong declined gratefully. “I’ll look out for myself, thanks hyung!” 

He was making his way to the main building when he heard footsteps behind him. Turning around to say good morning, the girl with braids made him stayed rooted. His sudden stop of pace made the girl collide onto him. Both of them fell to the ground with groans. 

She sat in her place, sputtering apologies, bowing the same time. Her long, thick fringe covering one third of her face and half of her glasses, “I’m so sorry! I wasn’t looking the way! Sorry! Please,” Her tiny voice was almost engulfed by the chattering of students. “No, no, it’s okay,” JaeJoong helped her to stand up. 

She finally looked up, alert when he touched her arms, meaning no more than to help. She retreated from his grasp and kept a distant between them. “Sorry,” JaeJoong said. “It’s alright, Uh, if you would excuse me,” The girl bounced away. JaeJoong had an impression of a dancing butterfly. 

The bell rang.

“Shit,” JaeJoong cursed and followed the girl into the main school building. She was yet to be found in the building when JaeJoong took off his shoes. “That’s fast, is she a runner for the school?” Thoughts flooded him, but it’s not the time to be worried about that first. He speeded his way down the corridors and through classrooms until he found his own, slipping into it soundless. 

JunSu saw him and let out a high pitched squeak, “AAHHHH-” JaeJoong immediately muffled his voice by clamping his hands around the other’s mouth. JunSu glared at him, the teacher started to turned around and JaeJoong slipped onto his chair just in time as she faced the class. “What’s wrong, Su?” The teacher asked, her brows furrowed together, papers could even be clipped between the locks of her brows. JaeJoong stared at him, his heart thumping so hard against his ribs he thought they might break into half soon. JunSu glaned sideways at him and returned to the teacher, “Nothing, I thought I just saw dried seaweeds.” 


A pause went around the whole class.

“Dried seaweed?” The teacher raised her brows. 

“I think I ate too much of them yesterday,” He faked a laugh which admitted immediately he was a very bad actor. Another pause, “Well then,” She coughed, “Let’s just continue with the class.” 

JaeJoong stared, wide eyed, not believing what just happened. Seaweed? Eat? Late? What heck was that boy thinking and what did he have in his skull? A brain or just plain stupidity? 

JunSu winked at him, “Don’t mind me,” He mouthed. 

JaeJoong guessed maybe that was what made JunSu so outer-space-alien-like and so odd to the others. He wondered how he managed to become friends with so lots of people. Was it because of his innocent heart or because they thought he was fresh and fun? 


Either way, JaeJoong didn’t understand what he meant to himself at all. Why the hell was he thinking about things that were not related to what happened just now. He decided to just let it go for now and listen to the lectures of his teacher. 

School, gee. 

-End of Chap 2-

All for now. :3

See you until then.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Loss And Gain (Essay Competition - around 500 words)

I've surpassed the limitation. And though the result is still not yet known, I was desperate to post up something for you guys to read with first. I'm a little tight with my own scehdule. Sorry! :D

I will update Masquerade as soon as possible. :D

So here it is - the original name was : Donate an organ, Save Life.

But i prefer it to be called Loss and Gain. :D


It was the hardest day of my life.

As my husband, Jack, almost swallowed by odd assortments of medical instruments, looked at me in the eyes, I almost felt his soul melting within me. Those kind eyes would be the last thing I would never want to forget. His personal doctor came in with a paper in his hands. 

“Thank you for agreeing to donate his organ to other people. It really does make a difference,” He looked at me, and then my husband, “You will save many lives.”

But he will never save his own life, I said to myself.

I glanced at the dearest person in the world besides my parents and siblings, and saw him nodding back in reassurance. Holding his hands in mine, I let a tear traced its way down my face, feeling for his last warmth before God takes him back home.

I began to recall our memories together as his squeezed my hand softly, his eyes never leaving me. “Come on, smile a little,” He said, voice very weak. “Oh, Jack,” I sobbed.
I hated the fact of losing the most important part of his organ to someone else but me. 
I blinked away a tear, sorrowfulness biting into my heart. 

“Susan,” His breath was a little weak back then. “When your maker wants you home, you should be home.” His words were like a thousand knives penetrating my heart. He squeezed me a little and looked at me again. “Susan, I love you.” 

“Thank you for being my wife, thank you for giving me a chapter of your life, and thank you, for everything you’ve done for me.” 

I nodded in silence. “And also, thank you for loving me.” 

His lids blinked a little, as if he was tired. “Sleep, if you’re tired.” 

“But I’m afraid I could never open my eyes again to see you,” I saw horror in those dark brown eyes, once confident but now tired and scared. He had spoken my fear too.

“I’ll wake you up, alright?” I reached and closed his lids with my hands.

“Susan, I love you…” his voice faltered away.

I sobbed as I felt his grasp softened. 

Jack’s had donated his heart to a teenage girl who has congestive heart failure. I had to send him down to the surgery room. It was as though he was only sleeping, he could wake up any time. 

The red fluorescent light flashed on, the words ‘surgery room’ on it pained me.

Our old memories haunted me. I wanted him back so badly. I wanted him by my side, holding my hand, patting my head softly. Where would be the shoulders for me to rest again? Where would be the heart that will only beat for me? 

I had a lot of questions. But they will never be answered.

12 hours later, the surgeon came out, pulling down his mask and gloves. The girl’s family circled him and he gave them a smile. “We are successful in the surgery, she will recover very soon if the body doesn’t reject the heart.” 

The family thanked the doctor, smiles revealing in their faces. Happiness flooded the room suddenly. The mother turned around, gratitude and happiness both lifting up her face, held my hand in hers softly. 

“Thank you so much. And,” She paused; eyes suddenly filled with tears, and then continued, “I’m sorry for your husband’s departure. He is a wonderful man.” I was tired from all that had happened, I wanted to share her happiness together but I wasn’t in my best condition. I wanted a shoulder where I could rest, and when I knew that shoulder was gone, my stomach turned. 

“He is a wonderful man, very wonderful.” I told her and lifted my lips as high as I could.

Then, I went back to my house, where the presence of Jack that will no longer be found. As I opened the closet and saw the neat suits hanging in there, it was as if Jack would come back any time and wear them to work again.

I wrapped one of his favourite shirt around me, his smell still lingering on it.

A few days later, when packing up his things to give out to the others as he had wished, I found a note in the pocket of one of his suits.

“When you are looking at this note, I might have left you. Darling, I do not mean to leave you so soon. I’m so sorry. But I know you can live without me. Life is for living, live for the rest of your life happily for me, for your family and friends. Alright? 
Love, Jack.” 

I imagined him writing this, brows locked together thinking of the best words to convey his messages to me. In the past few days, I smiled for the first time. Crying and laughing for the same time. It may not be a long note, but those words filled the emptiness of my heart as though Jack had read this aloud to me.

“Thanks God for giving me a husband that is so wonderful.” 

A few years later, I knocked into a girl on the street. I didn’t know who she was but it seemed like she recognized me. “Are you the Jackson Lee’s wife?” She asked me and I nodded slowly. “I’m the girl whom he donated his heart to,” She told me with a smile. I was surprised, that girl was frail looking and small framed, but this girl right now in front of me was healthy and youthful. Miracles, I remarked.

“Thank you.” She thanked me again, as I waved my hands in the air softly. “You should thank my husband,” I smiled. I had learnt to accept what people feel about Jack without feeling awkwardness. We had a little talk and then we left for our own works.

As I continued walking on the street, gazing at the infinity stretch of the so blue sky, I felt as if someone was watching over me. I recalled the girl’s happy and healthy face, and Jack’s note packed neatly in my drawer. I was proud of my husband, and I was happy to have had him as my husband. 

Heading into blood donation centre, these words surfaced my mind. 

Donate an organ, save life.

I want to save the others like what Jack had done, and I want to see the happy smiles of the others. A nurse approached me, “Please sit down.”  

And so, I donated my blood.

-the end-

Sucks, right. ==

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

[Fanfiction] [feat. DBSK] Playing A Masquerade Sucks


The following is a work of Fiction. The events and characters are fictional and the names characters are merely borrowed and do not represent who they are in reality.
No offence is intended towards them, their families or friends.

Title: Playing A Masquerade Sucks
Rating: PG13



I see faint lights dancing upon, I see faces but I have no vague idea who it is.

My heart throbs and I can feel it tightening, it hurts – a lot.

And then memories begin flooding me, I have pulled a smile unintentionally as I recall those fond, beautiful memories, of a certain someone.

She is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life.

I see her smiling at me, sunshine and warm. I feel her caressing my face, gentle and warmth spilling onto my cold face. I feel my self pressing my lips against her and the other responds a moment later, joy and love engulfing the both of us.

Everything about her suddenly fill up every crack and exhaustion in my body, as though stress releasing after accumulating in the same place for decades. She has given me a lot of first times and I have also presented her many of mine.

She makes me feel life.

I feel hands and warmth wrapping me, bringing me higher and higher, as though floating in air.

I see a blinding light directed at me and bringing me forward to a new place.



CHAPTER 1: Surfacing Problems

“Man, I’m so dead,” SooYoung leaned back on her seat, lids closed and her lips pursed.

“You won't die since you're so beautiful," EonJin said, scanning through the schedules.

SooYoung opened her eyes slowly and stared at her manager, who was looking dazed and dreamy. She sighed, adding, “I know you are thinking how you’ll make big money with my face, but, what if someone found out? My mask isn’t keeping me going forever. I’m only playing a masquerade!” 

“Well, I never said you aren’t going to drop your mask. We’ll find one day to speak out the truth to the media and public,” Stealing a quick glance at the bizarred SooYoung, she added quickly, “Before they find out, of course.” 

SooYoung exhaled heavily, almost a sigh. 

“I’m not making any improvements.” 

EonJin looked at her artist, she was a newly debuted star in the entertainment world. But not famed yet and she was nothing but a nebula in the wide galaxy with this much artificial beauty. But there was one thing that SooYoung was advantaging, she's original. No plastic addition, she's pure. 

“I know,” EonJin said, as she looked at SooYoung who was massaging her temples, eyes closed again. “If that’s bothering you, you don’t have to worry. I’ll get you big time when you get to receive a new job! Alright? Now it’s only some modeling, you haven’t even get started on doing a show? Right? Don’t give up! Come on! Smile a little!” EonJin shoved her gently but the other didn’t budge. 

SooYoung licked her lips, “I can’t smile. You see…” EonJin nodded her head along the slurs in SooYoung’s words. Clearing her throat, SooYoung said her words softly, slowly. 

“… If I am to tell you that a guy at school saw me with my hair down, will you kill me?” 



SooYoung shrugged, “Well, when I was resting, feeling stressed with all the braids pulling at my hair and the glasses making me dizzy. I was brushing my hair and I doubt he didn’t know who am I cause I’m not a oh-so-hot star yet like HyoRi-sunbae.” 

“You mean stroking,” EonJin snapped, “I remember I told you to NOT bring a brush to school.” 

“Whatever, listen! When I was stroking my hair and feeling about the weather, I looked up and saw a dumbfounded looking guy with glasses staring back at me.” 

“So what did you do?” 

“… Uh, I fled?” SooYoung said, rolling her eyes to EonJin. 

“UGH! YOU STUPID GIRL!” EonJin felt her face flushed with anger, if nothing’s gonna pull her down right now, she’ll definitely run to SooYoung’s school to strangle that guy.


SooYoung sat back in her seat, her mouth dropped open, not attempted again to pull down the raged EonJin. 

“You’re joking.” 

“I’m not.”

“But I’m not recognized and I’m no big star, so why-”


SooYoung shook her head, hands on her waist, “You’re crazy.” 

“Yes! And I am going to kill him right now! DRIVE,YOU IDIOT!” EonJin screamed at the driver who fumbled with his wheel, biting his lower lips.

SooYoung gulped, “She’s serious?” . 


“JaeJoong! What the heck you are doing! Get the hell here right now or else I’m going to chop off your ears!” Amane yelled, slapping the old cloth on the table. JaeJoong placed down his glasses, jammed the book back into his bag and hurried to Amane. “I’m sorry,” He panted as he supported himself with his hands on his knees. Amane looked at him with disgrace, “You weakling! A little run and you’re panting the hell like you’re having asthma!” 

JaeJoong gulped, “Well, I can’t help it.” His heart tightened and a lump formed as he recalled something. Amane wasn’t sincere enough noticed it. 

“Now get to work! Table 23 is calling for the menu!” Amane threw an apron towards JaeJoong, who caught it and wore it instantly. He grabbed a note pad from the counter, a pen and the menu, and then scurried down the small aisles between the tables.  

JaeJoong wasn’t listening to his customer at all even though his note pad was placed in his hands and he was holding a pen. He was thinking about the girl who sat by the fountain at school today. He had never really seen anyone like her. 


“Hey, it’s recess! Woohoo! Food!” JunSu ran out of the classroom with his mates when the bell rang, as JaeJoong looked up slowly from his book, his nerdy glasses guaranteeing a safe and quiet school life for him. He closed his book and staggered his way to the front door as people squeezed and pushed him. He might be tall but he was skinny and frail-looking. Any girl with thunder thighs could squeeze him into nothing but dust. 

And he himself knew that he wasn’t that of a good fight with the others. So he lived quietly, his presence barely noticed by people but bullies.

JaeJoong bit into own bento, even though he looked frail and fragile, he was born in a wealthy family. He tried to hide the fact of it as it might attract attention, which was not his means at all. He only wanted a peaceful high school life. When he was making his way back to the school building through the back door where a fountain was build, he noticed a figure blurred by the running water of the fountain.

Dragging his feet quietly, he narrowed his eyes to figure out who was it.

“A girl?” He whispered to himself as a small framed girl appeared before his eyes.

The girl was stroking her let-down-waist-length-hair, her white slender fingers brushing through her black hair smoothly. Her pearl white face with tints of red had two large twinkling eyes and long, luxurious eye lashes, lips pink and love-shaped. Even though she was sitting, JaeJoong could tell she was lean and even more than average height – around 165. She looked soft and bunny-like with her white hands dangling by her sides and her legs poking out from knee-length boots with black socks. She’s only a little too thin for a bunny. Hmmm…

Instead of a bunny, she also looked like… 

A real, living, breathing human-sized doll.  
As he was amazed by her beauty, too shock to move or say anything, the girl looked up.

He saw fear and panic washed through her eyes, and it was quickly replaced by calmness as she picked up the glasses on her sides and put them on. The usual twinklings of her eyes were gone and when JaeJoong blinked his eyes. She was gone. 

JaeJoong wondered if he was day dreaming on a bright, sunny day, but the lingering perfume in the air told him he was not hallucinating. 

She was real.

-end of FLASHBACK-

“Hello, mister?” JaeJoong blinked his eyes, returning to present where his customer waved her hand in front of his face, annoyed. “I’m sorry,” He stuttered an apology quickly, collecting the menus and jotting down the orders, and then left the table in a hurry.  

Amane shook his head as he watched him, heaving a plaintive sigh, “Kids.” 

KimBum appeared behind him, eyes blinking innocently, “What kids?” 

Amane shoved his head away as KimBum cuddled it on his shoulder, “Get to work and stop playing the fool!” KimBum chuckled and walked away, his grace charming every girl in the shop. He was the only thing – Amane called him the shop’s mascot - to bring business up. 

Amane wondered if KimBum jacked it all in one day – what will exactly happen to his little baby shop? Shuddering and rubbing his arms, he pulled a face and winced, not noticing the approaching JaeJoong, “Hmm, why the bitter face? Getting another shock from not-so-mascot KimBum?” Amane puffed his cheeks out and rolled his eyes at KimBum, who winked back from a table of squealing high school girls. JaeJoong laughed and walked away.

He wasn’t all awoke from his dream until he tipped over something and the plates flew in the air. 

“SHOOOT!” Amane yelled.

JaeJoong’s eyes grew large as the plates began to react at the pull of gravity.